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Philodendron Warszewiczii care mirrors the needs of most philodendrons. Grow your Warszewiczii in medium or bright indirect light. This means that there should not be too much direct sunlight shining on the leaves. If your skin can get sunburned in any given area, then the plant’s leaves can as well.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that plants have a way of communicating to us when they need a change. Too much sun and the leaves will burn on the edges, becoming crispy in a brown or dark red hue. Too little light and the leaves will fade into a lighter green or yellow color.


A loose well-draining soil mix is ideal for any healthy Philodendron. To make sure your soil circulates plenty of air to the roots, add well-draining ingredients to your base potting soil. For example, if you usually pot with compost from your backyard, take four parts of compost and mix in the following:

  • 1-2 parts perlite for drainage and air circulation

  • 1 part horticultural charcoal to prevent harmful bacteria

  • 1 part orchid bark for air circulation

The objective here is to make sure that the soil does not stay waterlogged and swampy after watering. If your pot retains too much water, the roots will suffocate and die off from what is known as root rot. Don’t worry, we will circle back to this later.

Sometimes, growing plants can feel like more of an art than science. So, do not be afraid to make this recipe your own. Experiment and mix it up, so you can find what kind of well-draining mixture works best for you and your plants!


Watering a Philodendron Warszewiczii correctlyis crucial to keeping your new plant companion healthy! To tell if your Philodendron is ready for watering, feel the top of the soil. If the first few inches (or centimeters) feel dry to the touch, then it is time to water your potted Warszewiczii. Otherwise, if the soil still contains some moisture, then you can check back in a few more days.

When watering any tropical plant, use an all-or-nothing approach. This means that when you do water, make sure ALL of the soil is covered. You should be confident that all the soil has absorbed water. Next, drain the excess water out of the bottom of the pot. While the soil is wet, it should not be swampy or sitting in a pool of water for more than 15 minutes.

Do not repeat this process until the soil feels dry again. Watering only a little bit every now and then will only do more harm than good.

The reason watering is on this particular schedule is due to the fragility of the roots. The Philodendron’s roots, as well as water, need to breathe oxygen. If they are watered too much and too often, air cannot come to the roots, which suffocates them. In this process, the lack of air and excess water invites a fungal infection known as root rot. Root rot is one of the most common way plants are killed, spreading from the roots to the leaves.

Prevent rotting foliage with proper watering habits. Only water when the soil is dry, and drain out excess water from the flower pot.


Philodendron Warszewiczii prefers warm temperatures that remind them or their tropical home in Central America. The minimum temperature a Philodendron Warszewiczii can tolerate is 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius).The commonly accepted “Room Temperature” is perfect for indoor growth, staying somewhere between 50 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (10-30 in Celsius).

Avoid sudden drops in temperature, as this can shock the Philodendron Warszewiczii. Just like with people, plants do not like sudden changes! Keep everything consistent and avoid cold temperature drops, especially in the winter, by growing your Philodendron away from drafty windows or harsh heat vents.


When it comes to discussing preferred humidity, the uniqueness of the Philodendron Warszewiczii comes into play.

Generally, humidity is a necessary factor for tropical plants to thrive as much as a warm temperature is mandatory for growth. While the Philodendron Warszewiczii both enjoys and tolerates humidity,dry conditions are not a problem at all. After all, the Warszewiczii was first discovered growing in dry forest zones.

Should you wish to group this Philodendron in a humid room with your other plants, 50-70% humidity is an acceptable range. Otherwise, less humid rooms do not need to be left out of the equation when finding a new home for the Philodendron Warszewiczii.


There are no specific needs for fertilizing the Warszewiczii compared to other Philodendrons. When looking for the right fertilizer to use, go with a well-rounded fertilizer mix for tropical houseplants. We prefer commercial products over DIY fertilizer recipes because the formulas are balanced, tested, and far more effective than homemade mixes.

When it comes to fertilizer there is one golden rule: less is more. Fertilizer should only be applied during spring and summer, when the Warszewiczii is actively growing taller and fuller.

Too much fertilizer can lead to fertilizer burn. Commercial fertilizer is often sold in very concentrated amounts, so follow the instructions on the label before application. You may need to mix the formula in water before adding straight to the soil, so prevent the overuse of fertilization when starting out. Begin with small and less frequent doses to ensure your Philodendron has time to adjust to the nutrient boost.

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